Monday, 12 August 2013 13:58
August 12, 2013
Contact: Robynn Albert, VMEC Marketing & Training Manager
Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center (VMEC)
P.O. Box 12, Randolph Center, VT 05061
Cell: (802) 793-2078 / [email protected]
Vermont and National Manufacturing Day scheduled October 4, 2013
Randolph Center, VT – The Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center (VMEC) is spreading the word that the second annual National Manufacturing Day has been scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2013 as part of a growing national Manufacturing Day initiative. Manufacturers, educational institutions and others are encouraged to host events that highlight the importance of manufacturing to the Vermont and U.S. economies and also draw attention to the many rewarding high-skill and higher paying jobs that modern manufacturing provides.
In its first year, the National Manufacturing Day saw more than 240 events held in manufacturing facilities in 37 states, with more than 7,000 people participating. This year’s celebrations will feature new open houses, public tours, career workshops and other activities designed to increase public awareness of 21st Century manufacturing.
Participation in Manufacturing Day helps address common misconceptions by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their local doors and show what manufacturing is and is not. Working together during and after this day, manufacturers can also help to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, and take charge of the public image of manufacturing. VMEC is encouraging Vermont manufacturers and any supportive entities to be creative in developing ideas to showcase local manufacturing companies and their many outstanding products and services, especially this October 4th.
According to VMEC Director / CEO Bob Zider, “The facts clearly underscore that a thriving manufacturing sector is still the greatest wealth-creating tool that any state or nation can have, and it remains the single most essential driver of new innovation. Manufacturing raises standards of living and stimulates economic growth through a higher multiplier effect than any other sector – with every dollar of final sales for manufactured goods generating about $1.48 in other economic activity. Vermont has some amazing manufacturing companies, and our citizens need to understand and appreciate, even more, how essential they are to our future and our children’s future.”
The nationwide Manufacturing Day effort is co-produced by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturing Institute (MI) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) – with whom VMEC is affiliated – and Industrial Strength Marketing in Nashville.
To learn more about Manufacturing Day, log on to, where those wishing to host events will find resources to help them prepare.