People Development

We agree with leaders: people are the most valuable asset

The strongest leaders know that investing in people development is the best way to support and empower your most valuable asset: the people that drive success at all levels of your business.

At VMEC, we aim to help companies engage, train, and mentor their existing team members, as well as to find, attract and onboard new ones. We have the experience, know-how and network to work with you and make your investment in your people really count.

Research and Evidence Based Outcomes

Current research tells us that a team of well led, trained, and engaged individuals is more productive, stays longer, provides higher customer satisfaction, innovates more and ultimately brings a competitive advantage. It is your people that will set you apart from the competition.

Our Goal

Our mission is to strengthen and empower Vermont manufacturers. We can do this by assisting you in finding, hiring, and training the right people and developing the processes that will result in that competitive advantage.

What We Do

Each engagement is tailored to the specific business, people and processes being addressed. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Technical Skills Development
  • Personal/Interpersonal Competencies including Individual, Team, Leadership
  • Organization/System Integration/Development: Onboarding, Training, Performance, Succession
  • Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program – In March 2024, VMEC was awarded a $225,000 grant from the VT Dept. of Labor to support the expansion of registered apprenticeship programs and enrollment in Vermont.  This partnership aims to strengthen Vermont’s workforce development and expansion efforts by fostering connections between employers, service providers, and partners to build a sustainable talent pipeline. Please connect with Lisa Henderson, VMEC Director of Client Services, to receive information on the benefits of this invaluable program available to you and your company; also, view the press release regarding the rollout of the grant.
  • Tooling U-SME – VMEC’s Workforce Development partner, providing solutions to your technology and human touch needs; visit our Training and Events page for further information

VMEC supports companies by:

  • Assessing skills/training needs and closing gaps
  • Preparing training programs that access trusted resources and funding
  • Adding to existing technical, business, and interpersonal skills
  • Speeding up learning curves toward productivity and competency
  • Training and coaching leaders to engage and get the best from their teams of individuals
  • Increasing worker engagement and retention through proven and innovative practices
  • Bridging production and non-production teams and strengths, leading to optimized outputs
  • Expanding and engaging the workforce
  • Bringing a variety of services to support people at work
Contact Carla C. Wuthrich, VMEC Director of Field Operations and Professional Manufacturing & Business Growth Advisor, to get started today!

We Get to Know You and Your Business

Build a Customized Approach

Apply and Teach Proven Tools and Methodology With Expert Guidance

Hands-on Support Through Application and Follow Up

Ensure Solutions That Help You Succeed

Everyone’s business is different, VMEC takes the time to understand what makes your business unique and partners with you to help achieve your business goals.