Everyone experiences problems. Some of us have more to contend with than others, yet often it’s not the size of the problem that gets us down, but the way we deal with it. Structured Problem Solving (SPS) is a learned skill that helps you to step back and evaluate your problems, big or small, in a clearer, more structured way. It’s a “thinking skill” commonly used in personal coaching. Do you encounter the same problems over and over? Frustrated no one seems to learn from experiences? Does your organization have a few “firefighters” who jump on any problem for a quick fix but the problem’s back next month or next week or tomorrow and everyone else stands back and waits for someone else to act or just accepts putting up with this as part of their
job and no wonder nothing gets done on time?
Want to learn more about this valuable “thinking tool”? Tune into this Fall 2017, 30-minute webinar from Jon Bates, VMEC Professional Manufacturing and Business Growth Advisor, hosted by the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation as part of their “Knowledge Bites” webinar series.